Monday, November 23, 2015

Specimen #17: Odontoschisma

Collection #: 17
Scientific Name: Odontoschisma
Phylum: Bryophyta; Jungermanniopsida
Order: Lophoziales
Family: Cephaloziaceae
Common Name: N/A
Location: Chagrin Falls Reservation
Habitat: On a wet rock by the trail
Date of collecting: September 17th
Collector: Cornelia
Notes: Small leafy liverwort

How did I key this out:
Fig.1 Plant under a dissecting scope (1) 

Fig.2 Plant under a dissecting scope (2) 

Fig.3 Plant under a dissecting scope (3)

Fig.4 Cell structure under a microscope

Fig.5 Group of the plant

The following steps is how I went through the keys:
1. (B) Plant with stem and leaves; erect, ascending, prostrate, or hanging from trees (3)
3. (A) Leaves in 2 rows near upper side of stem, without midrib, and with cells isodiametric. Leaves very often notched at apex, or lobed, sometimes with a smaller lobe folded against a larger one. Sporophyte short-lived. Order jungermanniales (31)
31. (B) Leaves entire, or toothed, or divided at tip into 2, 3 or 4 lobes. (35)
35. (A) Leaves flat or curved, not sharply folded. (36)
36. (B) Leaves transversely attached, or succubous; attached obliquely so that the edge of the leaf on upper surface of stem is attached nearer the base of the stem than the lower edge; thus the leaf slopes toward the apex of the stem. (43)
43. (A) Leaves entire, not at all loved or toothed (bracts around the perianth are excluded) (44)
44. (C) Underleaves absent or minbute and lanceolate (45)
45. (A) Branches from under side of stem; leaves circular, rather rigid, tending to stand on edge facing one another; dioicous; antheridia on short branches. (Genus Odontoschisma)

Collecting and keying story:
This specimen was really hard to collect. It sticks to the surface of  a rock in a very stable way that I was not able to get it off without a knife. Moreover, liverworts are confusing. It's very hard to tell whether a leafy liverwort is incubous or succubous even under a dissecting scope.
Moreover, I was not able to find any specific description of the Genus. All the descriptions online were seem to be a specific species from this genus.

Phylum, order and family name cited from:

Keys cited from:
The mosses and liverworts by H. S. Conard

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